By the way, I can highly recommend the Black Bear Motel. Owner Kim was great! Rooms are super cute, lovingly decorated with antiques collected by Kim and her husband.
Playing with Ruby. My step-grandaughter plays with my daughter's English Angora Rabbit, Ruby
Shame: What's it saying to you? My favorite part - the antidote: Be Courageous, Be Compassionate, and Build Connection. Kind of like what I'm working on, here! Thanks, Tanaya!
Hot off the presses: A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)
The Only Ten Things you need to know to be a great leader. I really liked "A) More success for others than for You."
Have you heard about the benefits of a Low Carb/High Fat diet? Since I've changed my diet - I try to eat under 50g of carbs a day), I've lost weight, and gained strength and endurance.
Here's the latest Research: New Science Destroys the Saturated Fat Myth. Lots of good data summarized in the article.
Related Book: The Big Fat Surprise
Other links to articles about saturated fat from Instapundit .
If you have Diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2), you will have MUCH improved BG control on this diet.