Do you remember the Disney cartoon "Aladdin"?
Think of the scene where the Genie is telling Aladdin about what it is like to be a genie...
The Genie says,
"Total Cosmic Power (becoming enormously big and powerful)...
itty bitty living space! (and he disappears into the lamp with a clink of the lid.)"
(at least, that's how I remember the scene!)
That scene is a metaphor for being human. We have Total Cosmic Power over our own itty-bitty living space. Within our own Self/Body, we have the power to do and achieve anything. Absolutely anything. YOU can do anything. Yes, you can.
Just for today, put the power and focus of your mind to work creating Your Best You.
If you can't figure out what steps to take to do this; if you don't have the tools you need to get started, remember you can always contact me. I'll be so excited to mentor you and help you start on your own path to Total Cosmic Power.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Self-Help Digest for October 27
Here are some of the interesting things in my inbox today:
Free Qigong Distant Energy Healing Worldwide - happens Nov 1st.
Please let me know if you do this and what you felt.
Angels on your Doorstep - beautiful art. Also has Facebook page.
RHW Contemporary. My friend is a publisher! Hoping to see more work on his FB Page soon.
What you need to know about leaky gut syndrome
Wish I had known this info twenty years ago!
The Importance of Staying Positive (video). "What we believe is based on our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. Luck is created out of a core belief that good things will happen. Expect to be lucky, and you will be."
Free Qigong Distant Energy Healing Worldwide - happens Nov 1st.
Please let me know if you do this and what you felt.
Angels on your Doorstep - beautiful art. Also has Facebook page.
RHW Contemporary. My friend is a publisher! Hoping to see more work on his FB Page soon.
What you need to know about leaky gut syndrome
Wish I had known this info twenty years ago!
The Importance of Staying Positive (video). "What we believe is based on our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. Luck is created out of a core belief that good things will happen. Expect to be lucky, and you will be."
"Adapt or die"
Moving can be traumatic. I was especially unhappy with our new (used) stacking washer/dryer. The tubs are smaller, and it takes 90 minutes to dry a load that the old dryer could do in 45 minutes. I made sure that my husband knew that the dryer needed to be fixed. Several times.
Finally, he said "Adapt or die". Then he rolled over and went to sleep.
I was very, very upset. I didn't sleep well. I could not understand why my husband, usually such a team player, would so coldly dismiss the urgency of the problematic dryer.
The next morning, we had an opportunity to discuss "Adapt or die", as he used the phrase again, this time in regards to something that he couldn't find. I asked him to ban the phrase from his vocabulary - it was too extreme, too unkind, too upsetting. Not to mention, that the phrase neatly avoided addressing the problem that I wanted fixed.
He shook his head - "It's a really kind thing to say! Sometimes you don't get want you want. Get over it, move on. Don't get stuck."
I then became weepy and over-reactive, since I do have a tendency to get stuck. The rest of the conversation was pretty much downhill, as tears don't play well in our house, but his exasperated remark that made it through my upset was:
"I don't know why you're so upset. I thought we were on the same page, going with the flow, being flexible with what came up. You're stuck."
My response was, "Well if you had said that, I could have adjusted. I do agree to try to be flexible and go with the flow. If you had said "it's just different, give it a few days, and you'll get used to it." I would have been able to try that. However, "adapt or die" just felt so aggressive and unkind. I felt like you didn't care and didn't understand that this is important to me."
He just shook his head. "You're still stuck."
I'm not writing this to get suggestions of how my husband should or should not have answered my request to fix the dryer. That's not the point.
The point is that my initial reaction to the simple phrase "Adapt or Die" was very interesting. Why did I react that way? I felt threatened, abandoned, unheard. It was a pretty big response! Why was it so huge? Why did "try to be flexible" feel safe while "adapt or die" felt scary? Obviously, these are programmed reactions from prior life experiences. In reality, I don't even need to know the answers to those questions. I need to know if I want to continue to get stuck in such a pointless and upsetting emotional loop.
Let's call my knee-jerk upset reaction a "default program", since it kicked in automatically and co-opted the system for a good 8 or 9 hours until I was able to take it off line.
When I have a default program that is not helping me and which is not creating the outcome that I want, then it's probably malware.
Do I have to live with the malware, or can I debug the system, and replace it with a better program?
I don't believe in victimhood, so I'm going to step up to the plate and work on debugging the system.
I guess I'm going to be living the "adapt or die" life after all.
Finally, he said "Adapt or die". Then he rolled over and went to sleep.
I was very, very upset. I didn't sleep well. I could not understand why my husband, usually such a team player, would so coldly dismiss the urgency of the problematic dryer.
The next morning, we had an opportunity to discuss "Adapt or die", as he used the phrase again, this time in regards to something that he couldn't find. I asked him to ban the phrase from his vocabulary - it was too extreme, too unkind, too upsetting. Not to mention, that the phrase neatly avoided addressing the problem that I wanted fixed.
He shook his head - "It's a really kind thing to say! Sometimes you don't get want you want. Get over it, move on. Don't get stuck."
I then became weepy and over-reactive, since I do have a tendency to get stuck. The rest of the conversation was pretty much downhill, as tears don't play well in our house, but his exasperated remark that made it through my upset was:
"I don't know why you're so upset. I thought we were on the same page, going with the flow, being flexible with what came up. You're stuck."
My response was, "Well if you had said that, I could have adjusted. I do agree to try to be flexible and go with the flow. If you had said "it's just different, give it a few days, and you'll get used to it." I would have been able to try that. However, "adapt or die" just felt so aggressive and unkind. I felt like you didn't care and didn't understand that this is important to me."
He just shook his head. "You're still stuck."
I'm not writing this to get suggestions of how my husband should or should not have answered my request to fix the dryer. That's not the point.
The point is that my initial reaction to the simple phrase "Adapt or Die" was very interesting. Why did I react that way? I felt threatened, abandoned, unheard. It was a pretty big response! Why was it so huge? Why did "try to be flexible" feel safe while "adapt or die" felt scary? Obviously, these are programmed reactions from prior life experiences. In reality, I don't even need to know the answers to those questions. I need to know if I want to continue to get stuck in such a pointless and upsetting emotional loop.
Let's call my knee-jerk upset reaction a "default program", since it kicked in automatically and co-opted the system for a good 8 or 9 hours until I was able to take it off line.
When I have a default program that is not helping me and which is not creating the outcome that I want, then it's probably malware.
Do I have to live with the malware, or can I debug the system, and replace it with a better program?
I don't believe in victimhood, so I'm going to step up to the plate and work on debugging the system.
I guess I'm going to be living the "adapt or die" life after all.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
"Hanging On" vs. "Relaxing"
A friend of mine emailed me last week, asking me how things were going.
My knee-jerk mental response was to envision myself on a roller-coaster hanging on for dear life.
Composing in my head, I thought: "It's been a wild ride..."
I suddenly realized that my thoughts about my life really are my biggest problem.
I hate everything about roller-coasters! This is not a good mental image for me!
My hands have been aching more and more as the summer has gone on as the life changes have accelerated... Gardening over-work, I thought. Now I'm thinking perhaps it is because I'm hanging on so tightly to "survive" the speed of the life changes that are occurring! No wonder my hands hurt.
I wanted to "let go" of that mind set, so I spent some time creating a new mental approach to my life...
I love lazy river raft trips and the feeling of complete relaxation and joy that I get out on the water. I created this affirmation:
I love the river of God's Power flowing through my life, and I enjoy the changes that it brings. I'm safe and supported in my "little boat", and I can relax and enjoy my life. If I need any help, it is always available if I ask for it. I surrender to the flow of the river, and am eager to see where it takes me.
I hope you can take a moment to think about your automatic mental approach to life... are you "hanging on" or "relaxing"?
My knee-jerk mental response was to envision myself on a roller-coaster hanging on for dear life.
Composing in my head, I thought: "It's been a wild ride..."
I suddenly realized that my thoughts about my life really are my biggest problem.
I hate everything about roller-coasters! This is not a good mental image for me!
My hands have been aching more and more as the summer has gone on as the life changes have accelerated... Gardening over-work, I thought. Now I'm thinking perhaps it is because I'm hanging on so tightly to "survive" the speed of the life changes that are occurring! No wonder my hands hurt.
I wanted to "let go" of that mind set, so I spent some time creating a new mental approach to my life...
I love lazy river raft trips and the feeling of complete relaxation and joy that I get out on the water. I created this affirmation:
I love the river of God's Power flowing through my life, and I enjoy the changes that it brings. I'm safe and supported in my "little boat", and I can relax and enjoy my life. If I need any help, it is always available if I ask for it. I surrender to the flow of the river, and am eager to see where it takes me.
I hope you can take a moment to think about your automatic mental approach to life... are you "hanging on" or "relaxing"?
Monday, August 18, 2014
We found a new home - Lost Lake
I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers since my "Shell Shocked" posts. Your phone calls and emails were very encouraging. This has been a great growing and learning experience for me - I've really been working of faith and trust!
We have been very blessed to find a better home not far from where we currently live. Literally the "perfect place" for us in every way. We saw it on Thursday, and signed the lease on Saturday morning. Everything is working out for the best.
Now I'm in packing, sorting, and organizing mode. :-)
We have been very blessed to find a better home not far from where we currently live. Literally the "perfect place" for us in every way. We saw it on Thursday, and signed the lease on Saturday morning. Everything is working out for the best.
Now I'm in packing, sorting, and organizing mode. :-)
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Info on Inflammation and Health
A little hard to read because the font is so small, but worth the effort: from CancerTruth Newsletter
As a family member of some diabetics, and as a lupus sufferer, I'm very interested in Inflammation research and information.
As a family member of some diabetics, and as a lupus sufferer, I'm very interested in Inflammation research and information.
A very real family
I know a family with adopted kids, and they are very real, and very family! :-) Try to be sensitive and think before you speak.
I know a family with adopted kids, and they are very real, and very family! :-) Try to be sensitive and think before you speak.
Healing Childhood traumas - Do this!
Please take a minute right NOW to follow this link: - Lets talk Mom and Dad
Remember, when you shop on Amazon by clicking a link on my blog, you help me at no cost to yourself. I'm extremely grateful when you do.
If you want to learn more about tapping, and how to use it to improve your life, I can help!
Remember, when you shop on Amazon by clicking a link on my blog, you help me at no cost to yourself. I'm extremely grateful when you do.
If you want to learn more about tapping, and how to use it to improve your life, I can help!
Shell Shocked: 6 Weeks, 6 days to a new home
My husband and I got some shocking news this morning. Our landlord wants us to move out by the end of September. So almost 7 weeks, and we'll be living in a new home.
So there is a lot to do. Forget the garden; tackle the junk in the garage that I was going to leisurely sort through over the winter. Ironically, I was just thinking that I needed to figure out how to be less "busy"... I think my angels are laughing at me! Perhaps "busy" is just a state of mind?
Finding a new place is mostly up to my husband, but if you know of anything for rent... Out in the country, with some privacy, manuf. home ok, for $1450 or less, not too far from the Woodinville to Maltby area - let me know! (Not asking for much, am I?)
Now that I'm over the shock of it all, and the sadness for leaving this place (which I have absolutely LOVED), I can't wait to see what shows up next!
I'll keep you posted.
We were stunned. We are easy, pay on time renters, and we take good care of the property. Unfortunately, due to a death in the family, Landlord needs to move in. He's graciously giving us until end of September, rather than end of August, so thank goodness for that!
So there is a lot to do. Forget the garden; tackle the junk in the garage that I was going to leisurely sort through over the winter. Ironically, I was just thinking that I needed to figure out how to be less "busy"... I think my angels are laughing at me! Perhaps "busy" is just a state of mind?
Finding a new place is mostly up to my husband, but if you know of anything for rent... Out in the country, with some privacy, manuf. home ok, for $1450 or less, not too far from the Woodinville to Maltby area - let me know! (Not asking for much, am I?)
Now that I'm over the shock of it all, and the sadness for leaving this place (which I have absolutely LOVED), I can't wait to see what shows up next!
I'll keep you posted.
How to become a more effective Learner
I was pleased to see that I already do several of these suggestions! :-) Which ones do you already do? Which one might you add to your repretoir this fall?
News you can use: about MS
A friend of mine is struggling with a recent diagnosis of MS. My husband reminded me about a Doctor who has beaten MS. This is good news.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
The Miracle_Themes from "A Course in Miracles"
Very valuable summary of the idea of a Miracle. From the last few seconds of the video:
"... the instrument of Healing is the power of our minds to Choose."
This statement reminds me of current Scientific work by Dr. Bruce Lipton
My Angel Self
My baby is an Angel.
I know this in my bones.
As my child grows,
No matter what,
I always see that Angel,
Even when I weep.
Why, then, do I judge myself?
My Father Sees my Angel Self!
Like my Angel vision of my child,
I know His Sight is Perfect.
The Angels weep
To see the pain
My unkind judgments bring.
Can I learn to see
My Angel Self
And live
My Angel Life?
Father, bless my Angel child
although the path seems hard.
A parent's Love soothes the painLife's arrows often bring.
For through the storms
and with a parent's eyes
I have come to see
my Angel Self.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Unconditional Love
Please remember to continue to use this Unconditional Love Light Code Facebook Post by Emmanuel Dagher. This week ( of Sun, August 3rd).
We could all use more Unconditional Love in our lives.
In fact, I had never even heard anyone express this to someone else until (at our first meeting) I saw my current husband's mother take his face in her hands and say "I love you unconditionally!" I was blown away. I was even more in awe when I realized that she said this often to every family member (including me)! One of her great gifts to everyone she knew was her regular expression of unconditional love. Even when struggling with dementia, she continued to express love to everyone around her. It's a very powerful gift to give, and I hope you will incorporate this practice in your own life.
It is also important to express Unconditional Love to Ourselves!
I believe this is is the power that makes Tapping so effective! The expression that
"Even though...<this bad thing/situation/etc>... I deeply and completely Love and Accept myself."
To learn more about Tapping follow the link to my Tapping Information Page.
To learn more about Light Codes and How to use them here's my Light Code Page.
We could all use more Unconditional Love in our lives.
In fact, I had never even heard anyone express this to someone else until (at our first meeting) I saw my current husband's mother take his face in her hands and say "I love you unconditionally!" I was blown away. I was even more in awe when I realized that she said this often to every family member (including me)! One of her great gifts to everyone she knew was her regular expression of unconditional love. Even when struggling with dementia, she continued to express love to everyone around her. It's a very powerful gift to give, and I hope you will incorporate this practice in your own life.
It is also important to express Unconditional Love to Ourselves!
I believe this is is the power that makes Tapping so effective! The expression that
"Even though...<this bad thing/situation/etc>... I deeply and completely Love and Accept myself."
To learn more about Tapping follow the link to my Tapping Information Page.
To learn more about Light Codes and How to use them here's my Light Code Page.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
On the Web Today (Sat 8/2)
Lots of good links for you today:
A Prayer for getting Unstuck, from Doreen Virtue
, Author of
Angels 101: An Introduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Angels
Chakra Clearing
And from Doreen on Facebook: Today's Angel Numbers
What is tapping and how can I use it, from Nick Ortner
, author of
The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living
Please watch the video, read the web page, and order the book! I can't say enough good things about Tapping! Used it today. Also, I can help you learn how to use tapping effectively, if you are having some trouble or doubts about it.
Related: How to find a "hidden" block to tap on.
(I don't have any affiliation with The Tapping Solution, but I really like EFT and they have great information on it.)
On Looking for Self Worth, from Hollie Holden, wife of author Robert Holden
, who's most current book is Holy Shift! 365 Daily Meditations from A Course in Miracles
Just found another book based on A Course in Miracles (my current read):
The End of Guilt: Realizing Your Innocence through A Course in Miracles
My wish list is expanding!!!
Related on Facebook: You Won't Judge
Finally, please remember that you can support me by clicking on any Amazon link on this blog including the one below and making any purchase! I've used the Reading App on my iPhone, and it works great! This app is is Free, so go get it at Amazon if you don't have it yet!
A Prayer for getting Unstuck, from Doreen Virtue
And from Doreen on Facebook: Today's Angel Numbers
What is tapping and how can I use it, from Nick Ortner
Please watch the video, read the web page, and order the book! I can't say enough good things about Tapping! Used it today. Also, I can help you learn how to use tapping effectively, if you are having some trouble or doubts about it.
Related: How to find a "hidden" block to tap on.
(I don't have any affiliation with The Tapping Solution, but I really like EFT and they have great information on it.)
On Looking for Self Worth, from Hollie Holden, wife of author Robert Holden
Just found another book based on A Course in Miracles (my current read):
The End of Guilt: Realizing Your Innocence through A Course in Miracles
My wish list is expanding!!!
Related on Facebook: You Won't Judge
Finally, please remember that you can support me by clicking on any Amazon link on this blog including the one below and making any purchase! I've used the Reading App on my iPhone, and it works great! This app is is Free, so go get it at Amazon if you don't have it yet!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
On the web today (Thursday, July 31st)
Sorry for the unexplained hiatus. Had Car trouble with Car #1. Took daughter to camp in Idaho driving Car #2. Car #2 broke down in rural WA (Davenport). Thank Goodness we were on highway 2, and broke down right as we stopped for lunch, one block away from the only dealership for miles. Took an extra day to get home, and an extra day to unpack and get Car #1 to the shop.
By the way, I can highly recommend the Black Bear Motel. Owner Kim was great! Rooms are super cute, lovingly decorated with antiques collected by Kim and her husband.
Playing with Ruby. My step-grandaughter plays with my daughter's English Angora Rabbit, Ruby
Shame: What's it saying to you? My favorite part - the antidote: Be Courageous, Be Compassionate, and Build Connection. Kind of like what I'm working on, here! Thanks, Tanaya!
Hot off the presses: A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)
. I've added this to my wish list, since I did almost flunk algebra!
The Only Ten Things you need to know to be a great leader. I really liked "A) More success for others than for You."
Have you heard about the benefits of a Low Carb/High Fat diet? Since I've changed my diet - I try to eat under 50g of carbs a day), I've lost weight, and gained strength and endurance.
Here's the latest Research: New Science Destroys the Saturated Fat Myth. Lots of good data summarized in the article.
Related Book: The Big Fat Surprise
Other links to articles about saturated fat from Instapundit .
If you have Diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2), you will have MUCH improved BG control on this diet.
By the way, I can highly recommend the Black Bear Motel. Owner Kim was great! Rooms are super cute, lovingly decorated with antiques collected by Kim and her husband.
Playing with Ruby. My step-grandaughter plays with my daughter's English Angora Rabbit, Ruby
Shame: What's it saying to you? My favorite part - the antidote: Be Courageous, Be Compassionate, and Build Connection. Kind of like what I'm working on, here! Thanks, Tanaya!
Hot off the presses: A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)
The Only Ten Things you need to know to be a great leader. I really liked "A) More success for others than for You."
Have you heard about the benefits of a Low Carb/High Fat diet? Since I've changed my diet - I try to eat under 50g of carbs a day), I've lost weight, and gained strength and endurance.
Here's the latest Research: New Science Destroys the Saturated Fat Myth. Lots of good data summarized in the article.
Related Book: The Big Fat Surprise
Other links to articles about saturated fat from Instapundit .
If you have Diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2), you will have MUCH improved BG control on this diet.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Artist's Way Study Group starts this Sunday 7/27
A friend and I are going to start working through The Artist's Way together.
We're going to begin our Week 1 journal on Sunday July 27. Get a copy of the book and start by reading the introduction.
You can read the entire first chapter on Sunday, or you can read a section of the chapter every day... Remember: There is no way to get it wrong.
or: You can only do it RIGHT!
You can read the entire first chapter on Sunday, or you can read a section of the chapter every day... Remember: There is no way to get it wrong.
or: You can only do it RIGHT!
If you've been on the fence about writing a journal (I was) it is great to start with a support group (I did). You never have to share your journal with anyone, but you can share your challenges and frustrations with us if you like. Join us!
On the web today (Friday July 25):
How to find a job: Why responding to a job posting is a waste of time.
Book by the author of the article:
The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired
Related Video: Module 2 Working with Recruiters
Related Video: Module 2 Working with Recruiters
The importance of Culture: How Chick-fil-A Hires
I love spending time in my garden, now I know why! Why I'm taking a walk everyday.
Related books:
Daily Rituals: How Artists Work
The Art of Learning: An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance
The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph
another book that I have read on how to develop Mastery in a skill: Mastery
I can highly recommend it - it's a great audio book!
My friend, Katie Munoz, has a new Facebook page: From Serious to Hilarious
She also runs a "lifesaving" business helping Seniors downsize and move: Moving Forward
When my mother had to unexpectedly move from TN to WA, Katie flew to TN and saved the day and our relationship by helping my mother have a massive estate sale. To this day (10 years later), my mother will moan about how she can't find something that must have been sold during the move, but she does not blame me for the loss of the item. Thank you Katie!
I need this: The secret to make you stop Worrying by Deepak Chopra
The meditation link embedded in the Article is very nice!
Related books that I own and love:
Rumi: The Book of Love
The Rumi Collection
I Heard God Laughing: Renderings of Hafiz
The Book of Secrets
The lucky ones: How Being an Alcoholic has made me a better leader
Their character defect is smacking them upside the head. Is yours? Food, Entertainment, Internet, Games... ? You can change, and I can help!
Are you a Misanthrope?
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Hot off the presses: Experience Your Good Now by Louise Hay
A new release by Louise Hay: Experience Your Good Now
This one is going into my wish list! I'm so looking forward to reading it!
This one is going into my wish list! I'm so looking forward to reading it!
Resentments and other habits
Excerpt from the July 23 entry in
Hope for Today
Courage to Change states, "Resentments mark the places where I see myself as a victim." ... Feeling resentment was like drinking poison and hoping the person I resented would die! ... I knew what to do... work the Steps...However, I felt such resistance to this that I needed to ask myself, "What do I get out of feeling like a victim?" ... I felt protected by my resentments. they acted as a barbed wire fence to keep away the people I felt had hurt me. The problem was I kept pricking my own skin on the barbs. I also was comfortable with my resentments. I wondered who I'd be without them, because they were as familiar to me as my own skin. Realizing that my resentments are not necessary or protective opened the door to change... I became entirely willing.This can also be applied to other emotional habits (worry, stress, impatience, etc). What emotional habit are you comfortable with? What would you be like without it?
Free Kindle Book from the HomeScholar (Wed only)
Lee Binz
The HomeScholar provides homeschooling resources. She is offering a free kindle book today (Wednesday 7/23):
Your Goals This Year: A Year by Year Guide to Homeschooling High School (Coffee Break Books Book 16)
Here is a link to her website - The Home Scholar
Your Goals This Year: A Year by Year Guide to Homeschooling High School (Coffee Break Books Book 16)
Here is a link to her website - The Home Scholar
Monday, July 21, 2014
As a grateful member of Al-Anon, I've become familiar with the 12 steps of the program. The first three steps could be summarized as:
1) Admitted we were powerless and our lives had become unmanageable.
2) Came to believe that a Higher Power could restore us to sanity.
3) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the God of our understanding.
I've recently been inspired to learn more about St. Teresa of Avila, an mystic of the Catholic Church. Her autobiography, Teresa of Avila: The Book of My Life
, was written around 1562 (roughly 450 years ago).
In the chapter "Twenty Years of Turbulence" she describes her struggles with her spiritual journey.
Near the end of the chapter, she writes:
"I beseeched the Beloved to help me. But I failed to put the whole of my trust in God and relinquish all traces of trust in myself. I searched earnestly for a remedy; I tried everything. But without the fundamental realization that I was powerless and that the only thing that I could rely on was God, my efforts were useless." (emphasis mine).
I got goosebumps.
1) Admitted we were powerless and our lives had become unmanageable.
2) Came to believe that a Higher Power could restore us to sanity.
3) Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the God of our understanding.
I've recently been inspired to learn more about St. Teresa of Avila, an mystic of the Catholic Church. Her autobiography, Teresa of Avila: The Book of My Life
In the chapter "Twenty Years of Turbulence" she describes her struggles with her spiritual journey.
Near the end of the chapter, she writes:
"I beseeched the Beloved to help me. But I failed to put the whole of my trust in God and relinquish all traces of trust in myself. I searched earnestly for a remedy; I tried everything. But without the fundamental realization that I was powerless and that the only thing that I could rely on was God, my efforts were useless." (emphasis mine).
I got goosebumps.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
The 7 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent People
Four major skills in Emotional Intelligence:
the ability to perceive, reason, understand, and manage emotions.
The 7 Habits for you to develop:
1) Self Awareness - pay attention to what you are feeling
2) Empathy - the ability to understand the emotions of other people
3) Self-regulation - think before you act
4) Motivated - able to take an emotional leap and make a change
5) Great Social Skills - developed by 1 and 2 above. interested in healthy social relationships and helping others succeed.
6) Sharing - not only aware, they are able to share their feelings appropriately with others.
7) Find the Cause - able to correctly identify the underlying causes of their emotions.
the ability to perceive, reason, understand, and manage emotions.
The 7 Habits for you to develop:
1) Self Awareness - pay attention to what you are feeling
2) Empathy - the ability to understand the emotions of other people
3) Self-regulation - think before you act
4) Motivated - able to take an emotional leap and make a change
5) Great Social Skills - developed by 1 and 2 above. interested in healthy social relationships and helping others succeed.
6) Sharing - not only aware, they are able to share their feelings appropriately with others.
7) Find the Cause - able to correctly identify the underlying causes of their emotions.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
From today's inspirational reading:
"Serenity is not the end of pain. It's about my ability to flourish peacefully no matter what life brings my way."
In fact, I've found pain very motivational. It's a challenge to handle gracefully, but is often the voice of my Higher Power sending me in a new direction. So, with that in mind, I can become serene and flourish under any circumstance.
"Serenity is not the end of pain. It's about my ability to flourish peacefully no matter what life brings my way."
In fact, I've found pain very motivational. It's a challenge to handle gracefully, but is often the voice of my Higher Power sending me in a new direction. So, with that in mind, I can become serene and flourish under any circumstance.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Choices and Consequences
I got a newsletter from one of my mentors. The subject was the 7 most important things that he has learned so far. Here is my condensed version of his list:
1) We create our reality with our choices in every moment.
2) Success = Commitment, Lack of Success = Lack of Commitment.
3) Master the law of Karma (Choice and Consequences)
4) Spend One hour per day imagining your desired reality.
5) There is no "Failure", only Feedback
6) Everything you manifest is from your inner "programming". Learn to delete bugs and upgrade your programming.
7) Learn to master your mind and emotions.
1) We create our reality with our choices in every moment.
2) Success = Commitment, Lack of Success = Lack of Commitment.
3) Master the law of Karma (Choice and Consequences)
4) Spend One hour per day imagining your desired reality.
5) There is no "Failure", only Feedback
6) Everything you manifest is from your inner "programming". Learn to delete bugs and upgrade your programming.
7) Learn to master your mind and emotions.
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